MAPLE Spring School 2021

Overall objectives

The objective of this School is to showcase recent themes, methods and techniques which are currently employed to study European politics. It approaches the topic of how Europe, the politicisation of Europe, and the recent Crises have an impact on domestic politics, namely voters, parties, institutions and the media. This School has three main goals: firstly, we aim to present a state of the art on the major themes of research within European politics, which serve as a contextualisation to present the work developed within both MAPLE and RESTEP. Secondly, we wish to share the know-how of different methods and techniques best adapted to study these topics. In this School, experimental methods, mass attitudes survey analysis, qualitative content analysis, as well as research with focus groups will be explained and presented in the context of recent research about European politics. Thirdly, we hope to help students theoretically place their own subject of research, to discuss their own methods of research and techniques of analysing data. All students who participate in the course will be encouraged to present their own work and receive feedback on it from the lecturers involved in the Course. Such feedback will be important to improve the theoretical contextualisation, their methods and techniques employed for their own purposes.


You can download the full program here: Portuguese / English

Day 1

Studying Political Europe, Current Themes on Politicisation of Europe


Marina Costa Lobo (ICS-UL)

Day 2

Voting in Europe today, Trends and Methods


Laurie Beaudonnet (U Montreal, Canada)

Day 3

Studying the Politicisation of Europe in the Media, Internet Research, Big Data, Qualitative Analysis


Tiago Silva, Susana Nina, Yani Kartalis (ICS-UL)

Day 4

Experimental Research & Mass Attitudes Research in European Politics


Roberto Pannico, Lea Heyne (ICS-UL)

Day 5

Studying attitudes to Europe through Focus Groups


Virginie van Ingelgom (UC Louvain, Belgium)


Marina Costa Lobo

Marina Costa Lobo is Principal Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and a member of the Board of IPP – Instituto Políticas Públicas.

She is also the coordinator of the Portuguese Voting Behaviour component of PASSDA – Portuguese Archive of Social Science Data.

In 2016 she was awarded an ERC Consolidator grant for MAPLE – Measuring and Analysing the Politicisation of Europe before and after the Eurozone crisis.

Her research covers the role of leaders in electoral behaviour, political parties and institutions.

Virginie Van Ingelgom

Virginie Van Ingelgom is Research Associate at the Univeristé Catholique de Louvain and an associate research fellow of the Centre for European Studies, Sciences Po Paris. She was recently awarded an ERC Starting grant for her project “QUALIDEM – Eroding Democracies. A qualitative (re-)appraisal of how policies shape democratic linkages in Western democracies“.

Laurie Beaudonnet

Laurie Beaudonnet (PhD, European University Institute) is an Assistant Professor of European politics at the University of Montreal (Department of Political Science) and director of the Jean Monnet Centre Montréal. As Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Montreal (2015-2018), she is deeply involved in teaching EU studies and supporting students’ research on the EU (EuroScope Project). Her research focuses on political attitudes, elections, and public opinion in the European Union, using quantitative and qualitative methods.

Roberto Pannico

Roberto Pannico is post-doctoral research fellow at the ICS-ULisboa. His research interests include Euroscepticism, party cues, information processing, experiments and research methods.

Tiago Silva

Tiago holds a PhD in political and social sciences from the European University Institute. In the past years, he has been involved in several projects analysing European elections, particularly the news media coverage and the political parties’ campaigns.

His main research interests are political communication, online campaigning and European integration. 

Lea Heyne

Lea holds a PhD in Democracy Studies from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her research interests include European politics, political attitudes and behaviour, public opinion, and democratic quality.



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Susana Rogeiro Nina

Susana Rogeiro Nina is a PhD candidate in Comparative Politics at ICS-ULisboa within the MAPLE project. ​Her research interests include political behaviour, media effects, public opinion and applications of experimental methods in political science.

Yani Kartalis

Yani Kartalis is PhD candidate in Comparative Politics at ICS-ULisboa. His research interests lie in the fields of political parties, political sociology and psychology, and automated data collection approaches for the social sciences.


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